In organizations and society, people serve each other. Providing a good and timely service to each other is what makes our Cosmos better.
Usually, suppliers or providers agree on SLAs (Service Level Agreements) with their customers — this is a promise and commitment of what is the usual or the minimum level of service they will provide and the consequences or penalties that will be faced in the alternative case.
Great people, leaders, and organizations can commit and deliver their commitments. This is what builds trust among people and between organizations and the customers they serve.
Many people and organizations try to avoid committing. Often, they prefer to answer with “we will do it as soon as possible,” “we are working on this,” “we will do it as fast as we can,” and so many useless answers that bring no value to the people they are supposed to serve. Equally bad, there are many people and organizations who commit but consistently do not deliver, losing their credibility. So many people in organizations promise that they will deliver “tomorrow” or “next week,” but they rarely do.
People who cannot commit or people who commit and do not deliver create a huge inefficiency in organizations since their failure affects everybody else’s work and wasting of time following up with each other about what was requested. A high level of commitment makes organizations and people shine.
Ideally, internal departments and organizations should have signed SLAs among themselves that they respect and honor. Leaders should be able to commit to their Cosmos. They should ask their team to do the same for the people and organizations they serve. They should also request their Cosmos to commit to them since we are all interdependent.
Of course, there are various commitments: Some are easy to meet and within the control of the people who commit, and some can be extremely challenging and depend on many factors that are not within the control of the person. When they see people failing to meet their commitments, they should be able to assess the situation and evaluate the conditions and the effort that the person put into meeting the commitment before judging them.
Showing tolerance goes hand in hand with promoting the mindset related to commitments.
Commitment is not a sexy word anymore in business. However, it remains critical for organizations and people to succeed.
ISOROPIN commitment and tolerance can result in creating better organizations.